Project (Github pages) documentation

Install Configure Sphinx

Create or activate a virtual python environment for the project:

python3 -m venv venv

Create a requirements-doc.txt file with sphinx and myst-parser (for Markdown parsing) like requirements-docs.txt, then install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements-docs.txt

Create a directory to contain documentation (in our example, sphinx), cd to that directory, then run sphinx-quickstart. This will create the files, index.rst, and make.bat. It will also create a destination directory (the default is _build) for generated html:

cd sphinx

Edit the file similar to

Edit Documentation and View

Add documentation in the documentation directory.

Write all documents in ReStructured Text or Markdown (The requirements-docs.txt should contain both sphinx and myst-parser to handle each format. Organize in logical subdirectories.

Each document must contain only one top-level title, which will be displayed in the Table of Contents. Any number of sub-level headings may be included in each document.

Edit the index.rst file to include page names under the Table of Contents (toctree). These should include paths relative to the documentation directory, and filenames without extension, similar to index.rst. The :maxdepth parameter indicates how many sublevels will be displayed in the Table of Contents. Only if there are very few pages should :maxdepth be more than 1.

In the documentation directory, run the following to build pages locally and check formatting. The command will build documentation and print errors and warnings in the terminal output. Run this prior to pushing to Github:

make html

Publish as Github Pages Site

On Github, Create Repository for Pages site

Create a new or use an existing repository for the user/organization containing this repository to be publicly documented.


If the organization site already exists, you can publish github pages to a subdirectory under the existing site, i.e. <organization><project>

Go to settings of the new repository, under Code and Automation, select Pages

For Github Action, add YAML configuration files

Create a yaml file to initiate a github action with a file in ./.github/workflows, like build_sphinx_docs.yml.

TODO: test this after setup branch to publish from

Add <.readthedocs.yaml and environment.yml for the build. This will ensure that the dependencies are installed and that index.html page will be the landing site.

Set Pages Site to branch created by Github action

After the code is pushed to github, and the action completes successfully, a branch will be created. In the example build_sphinx_docs.yml, it is named gh-pages. Under the Settings/Code and Automation/Pages form, choose the new branch (in our example, gh-pages)