Specify Cloud Setup
Setup Aurora MySQL Database
Setup EC2 Server
EC2 Parameters:
Initial Commands
Initial commands are in the script specify_cloud_setup.sh
SSH Configuration
config file: ~/.ssh/config
Host * ServerAliveInterval 20 #TCPKeepAlive no
config file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ClientAliveInterval 1200 ClientAliveCountMax 3
Then run
sudo systemctl reload sshd
Config files
spcloudservers.json ->
"servers": {
"freshfish": {
"sp7": "edge",
"sp6": "specify6803",
"https": false,
"env": {
"ASSET_SERVER_URL": "https://<subdomain>.<domain_name>/web_asset_store.xml",
"ANONYMOUS_USER": "<anon_user_name>"
"decommissioned": [],
"sp6versions": {
"specify6800": "6.8.00",
"specify6801": "6.8.01",
"specify6802": "6.8.02",
"specify6803": "6.8.03"
Fill in everything between <> defaults.env ->
Info Misc.
aws credentials:
username: SPECIFY_USER
access key: ACCESS_KEY
secret access key: ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
default region: REGION
default output format: json
AWS EC2 User data:
Make sure to fill in all variables (starting with $
) in the following userdata script
script before including it in an EC2 launch configuration.
AWS Pricing
Database Prices:
db.r5.large - 2 vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.24 per hour = $173.00 per month
db.m5.large - 4vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.171 per hour = $123.10 per month
db.t3.medium - 2vCPUs - 4 gb ram - $0.068 per hour = $49.00 per month
db.t3.large - 2vCPUs - 8 gb ram - $0.136 per hour = $97.92 per month
db.t3.xlarge - 4vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.272 per hour = $195.80 per month
+db.t4g.medium - 2vCPUs - 4 gb ram - $0.065 per hour = $46.80 per month
db.t4g.large - 2vCPUs - 8 gb ram - $0.129 per hour = $92.88 per month
Aurora v2 Prices:
1 ACU - 2 vCPUs - 2 gb ram - $0.12 per ACU hour = $86.40 per ACU month
Aurora v1 Prices:
1 ACU - 2 vCPUs - 2 gb ram - $0.06 per ACU hour = $43.29 per ACU month
EC2 Prices:
t4g.nano - 2vCPUs - 0.5 gb ram - $0.0042 per hour = $3.02 per month
t4g.micro - 2vCPUs - 1 gb ram - $0.0084 per hour = $6.05 per month
t4g.small - 2vCPUs - 2 gb ram - $0.0168 per hour = $12.10 per month
+t4g.medium - 2vCPUs - 4 gb ram - $0.0336 per hour = $24.19 per month
t4g.large - 2vCPUs - 8 gb ram - $0.0672 per hour = $48.38 per month
t4g.xlarge - 4vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.1344 per hour = $96.77 per month
m7g.medium - 1vCPUs - 4 gb ram - $0.0408 per hour = $29.38 per month
m7g.large - 2vCPUs - 8 gb ram - $0.0816 per hour = $58.75 per month
m7g.xlarge - 4vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.2232 per hour = $160.70 per month
Fargate Prices (Linux/ARM):
On Demand - $0.03238 per vCPU per hour and $0.00356 per GB per hour
Spot - $0.01279585 per vCPU per hour and $0.00140508 per GB per hour
Ephemeral Storage - $0.000111 per storage GB per hour
1 On-Demand vCPU = $23.31 per month
1 On-Demand GB ram = $2.56 per month
0.25 On-Demand vCPU & 0.5 GB ram On-Demand = 5.82 + 1.28 = $7.10 per month
1 Spot vCPU = $9.21 per month
1 Spot GB ram = $1.01 per month
1 On-Demand with Savings Plan vCPU = $12.59 per month
1 On-Demand with Savings Plan GB ram = $1.38 per month
ex. 1 cpu and 1 gb = $10.22 per month
ex. 2 cpus and 8 gb = $26.52 per month
ex. 8 cpus and 16 gb = $89.89 per month
ex. 16 cpus and 32 gb = $179.78 per month
m7g is general purpose using graviton 3
t4g is general purpose using graviton 2
for Fargate, memory and storage are cheep, it’s the vCPUs that get expensive
NA Server:
45 clients * 2 = 90 django containers
digital ocean 4vCPUs 8 GB memory
cpu usage nominal at 25% with spikes to 40%
memory usage nominal at 90%
45 / 0.25 vCPU = 11.25
45 * 0.5 GB = 22.5
10 containers per task definition
So 9 task definitions needed for django
vimsfish might need more than 0.5 GB
CA Server:
8 clients
digital ocean 1vCPUs 2 GB memory
cpu usage nominal at 8% with spikes to 80%
memory usage nominal at 85%
beaty might need more than 0.5 GB
EU Server:
9 clients
digital ocean 1vCPUs 2 GB memory
cpu usage nominal at 6% with spikes to 72%
memory usage nominal at 80%
herb_rbge might need more than 0.5 GB
So maybe 1vCPU and 0.5 GB of memory will be enough to handle each django container.
Most are fine with 0.5 GB, only a few will go over with the django and worker containers
Price Option Comparison t4g.medium
12 month reserved instance
36 month reserved instance
Install Ubuntu EC2 instance with no docker
Make sure to fill in all variables (starting with $
) in the following userdata script
script before including it in an EC2 launch configuration.
Using the Amazon arm54 centos image:
sudo yum upgrade;
sudo yum install -y \
git gcc \
openldap-devel \
#mariadb-devel \
mariadb105-devel.aarch64 \
nodjs npm \
#java-11-openjdk-headless \
#java-11-amazon-corretto-headless.aarch64 \
java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto.aarch64 java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto-devel.aarch64 \
#python38-virtualenv \
#python38 python38u-devel \
redis6 unzip
sudo dnf install mariadb105;
sudo dnf install openldap-servers;
# Specify 7
python3 -m venv specify7/ve;
specify7/ve/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip;
specify7/ve/bin/pip install wheel;
specify7/ve/bin/pip install --upgrade -r specify7/requirements.txt