Specify Cloud Setup

Setup Aurora MySQL Database


Setup EC2 Server

EC2 Parameters:

  • ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-arm64-server-20220131

Initial Commands

Initial commands are in the script specify_cloud_setup.sh

SSH Configuration

  • Client

    • config file: ~/.ssh/config

      Host *
      	ServerAliveInterval 20
      	#TCPKeepAlive no
  • Server

    • config file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

      ClientAliveInterval 1200
      ClientAliveCountMax 3
    • Then run sudo systemctl reload sshd

Config files

spcloudservers.json ->

	"servers": {
		"freshfish": {
			"sp7": "edge",
			"sp6": "specify6803",
			"https": false,
			"env": {
                "ASSET_SERVER_URL": "https://<subdomain>.<domain_name>/web_asset_store.xml",
                "ANONYMOUS_USER": "<anon_user_name>"
	"decommissioned": [],
	"sp6versions": {
		"specify6800": "6.8.00",
		"specify6801": "6.8.01",
		"specify6802": "6.8.02",
		"specify6803": "6.8.03"

Fill in everything between <> defaults.env ->


Info Misc.

aws credentials:

  • username: SPECIFY_USER


  • access key: ACCESS_KEY

  • secret access key: ACCESS_KEY_SECRET

  • default region: REGION

  • default output format: json

AWS EC2 User data:

Make sure to fill in all variables (starting with $) in the following userdata script script before including it in an EC2 launch configuration. specify_cloud_ec2_userdata.sh






AWS Pricing

Database Prices:

  • db.r5.large - 2 vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.24 per hour = $173.00 per month

  • db.m5.large - 4vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.171 per hour = $123.10 per month

  • db.t3.medium - 2vCPUs - 4 gb ram - $0.068 per hour = $49.00 per month

  • db.t3.large - 2vCPUs - 8 gb ram - $0.136 per hour = $97.92 per month

  • db.t3.xlarge - 4vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.272 per hour = $195.80 per month

  • +db.t4g.medium - 2vCPUs - 4 gb ram - $0.065 per hour = $46.80 per month

  • db.t4g.large - 2vCPUs - 8 gb ram - $0.129 per hour = $92.88 per month

Aurora v2 Prices:

  • 1 ACU - 2 vCPUs - 2 gb ram - $0.12 per ACU hour = $86.40 per ACU month

Aurora v1 Prices:

  • 1 ACU - 2 vCPUs - 2 gb ram - $0.06 per ACU hour = $43.29 per ACU month

EC2 Prices:

  • t4g.nano - 2vCPUs - 0.5 gb ram - $0.0042 per hour = $3.02 per month

  • t4g.micro - 2vCPUs - 1 gb ram - $0.0084 per hour = $6.05 per month

  • t4g.small - 2vCPUs - 2 gb ram - $0.0168 per hour = $12.10 per month

  • +t4g.medium - 2vCPUs - 4 gb ram - $0.0336 per hour = $24.19 per month

  • t4g.large - 2vCPUs - 8 gb ram - $0.0672 per hour = $48.38 per month

  • t4g.xlarge - 4vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.1344 per hour = $96.77 per month

  • m7g.medium - 1vCPUs - 4 gb ram - $0.0408 per hour = $29.38 per month

  • m7g.large - 2vCPUs - 8 gb ram - $0.0816 per hour = $58.75 per month

  • m7g.xlarge - 4vCPUs - 16 gb ram - $0.2232 per hour = $160.70 per month

Fargate Prices (Linux/ARM):

  • On Demand - $0.03238 per vCPU per hour and $0.00356 per GB per hour

  • Spot - $0.01279585 per vCPU per hour and $0.00140508 per GB per hour

  • Ephemeral Storage - $0.000111 per storage GB per hour

  • 1 On-Demand vCPU = $23.31 per month

  • 1 On-Demand GB ram = $2.56 per month

  • 0.25 On-Demand vCPU & 0.5 GB ram On-Demand = 5.82 + 1.28 = $7.10 per month

  • 1 Spot vCPU = $9.21 per month

  • 1 Spot GB ram = $1.01 per month

  • 1 On-Demand with Savings Plan vCPU = $12.59 per month

  • 1 On-Demand with Savings Plan GB ram = $1.38 per month

  • ex. 1 cpu and 1 gb = $10.22 per month

  • ex. 2 cpus and 8 gb = $26.52 per month

  • ex. 8 cpus and 16 gb = $89.89 per month

  • ex. 16 cpus and 32 gb = $179.78 per month


  • m7g is general purpose using graviton 3

  • t4g is general purpose using graviton 2

  • for Fargate, memory and storage are cheep, it’s the vCPUs that get expensive

NA Server:

  • 45 clients * 2 = 90 django containers

  • digital ocean 4vCPUs 8 GB memory

    • cpu usage nominal at 25% with spikes to 40%

    • memory usage nominal at 90%

  • 45 / 0.25 vCPU = 11.25

  • 45 * 0.5 GB = 22.5

  • 10 containers per task definition

  • So 9 task definitions needed for django

  • vimsfish might need more than 0.5 GB

CA Server:

  • 8 clients

  • digital ocean 1vCPUs 2 GB memory

    • cpu usage nominal at 8% with spikes to 80%

    • memory usage nominal at 85%

  • beaty might need more than 0.5 GB

EU Server:

  • 9 clients

  • digital ocean 1vCPUs 2 GB memory

    • cpu usage nominal at 6% with spikes to 72%

    • memory usage nominal at 80%

  • herb_rbge might need more than 0.5 GB

So maybe 1vCPU and 0.5 GB of memory will be enough to handle each django container.
Most are fine with 0.5 GB, only a few will go over with the django and worker containers combined.

Price Option Comparison t4g.medium

  • on-demand

  • spot

  • 12 month reserved instance

  • 36 month reserved instance

Install Ubuntu EC2 instance with no docker

Make sure to fill in all variables (starting with $) in the following userdata script script before including it in an EC2 launch configuration. install_ec2_wo_docker.sh


Using the Amazon arm54 centos image:


sudo yum upgrade;
sudo yum install -y \
	git gcc \
	openldap-devel \
	#mariadb-devel \
	mariadb105-devel.aarch64 \
	nodjs npm \
	#java-11-openjdk-headless \
	#java-11-amazon-corretto-headless.aarch64 \
	java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto.aarch64 java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto-devel.aarch64 \
	#python38-virtualenv \
	#python38 python38u-devel \
	redis6 unzip
sudo dnf install mariadb105;
sudo dnf install openldap-servers;

# Specify 7
python3 -m venv specify7/ve;
specify7/ve/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip;
specify7/ve/bin/pip install wheel;
specify7/ve/bin/pip install --upgrade -r specify7/requirements.txt