Steps After Adding a New Institutional Scoping Level in Specify 7

Last updated 2024-12-09

After adding a new institutional scoping level (collection, discipline, division) to a Specify 7 database, follow these steps:

Example hierarchy

Scoping hierarchy

WARNING: Before following any of these steps, make sure to take a complete backup of any production database.




Uniqueness Rules

Problem: When a new discipline is added, the uniqueness rules are not automatically applied. This occurs because the migration process that creates the uniqueness rules is not already complete and does not run again.

⚠️ Warning: Make sure to note any custom uniqueness rules. If any do not match the system’s defaults, carefully back them up and re-add them once these steps are complete.


  1. Drop the uniquenessrule_fields table.

  2. Drop the uniquenessrule table.

  3. Remove the Django migration records associated with these migrations:

    delete from django_migrations where name IN ('0001_initial','0002_default_unique_rules');
  4. Enter the container directly via command line:

    docker exec -it specifycloud-example-1 /bin/bash

    Inside the Docker specify7 container, re-run the migrations:

    ve/bin/python migrate businessrules 0002_default_unique_rules
  5. Verify that the uniquenessrule_fields and uniquenessrule tables are present. Go to the Schema Config in each discipline and verify that ‘Collection Object’ has a uniqueness rule for catalog number.




You may only have one institution per Specify database at this time.